How to Submit a Recipe
When “Janice” asked her Forum question (Your Input), she had uncovered an update that had been missed in our server migrations. Thanks – it is now fixed!!!!! But just in case you still have a question: First, to contribute any content to the site, you must be a member. If you have not yet joined our community, click on Membership & Privacy for detailed info. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Read & Submit Recipes”; you will see a list of any previous submittals, or if it’s your first time, the list should be blank. At the bottom of the form will be the phrase “Manage my Recipes” – click there. Next is the option of “Edit, New, or Delete” – check “New” and hit “Update” at the bottom of the page. A pretty self-explanatory form will present itself – just fill in the blanks as you can. If you don’t know the nutritional value, for example, don’t worry about it; but ALWAYS give credit if the recipe is not completely original. Adaptations and vague descriptions are okay, especially if it’s an old family recipe, but please take a moment to thank whoever inspired you. Now, the most important step – click “Update” again when you’re done! You’ll get a message that says something like “the admins will have to approve your submittal”; normally, it will be posted within 24 hours, depending on my “day job” schedule wink On behalf of all of our readers, we look forward to seeing your favorite delights!

Posted by Linda :
Monday 15 November 2010 - 17:48:44
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