Saving on calories doesn’t have to be boring!
I read on Facebook that January is “National Soup Month”. That’s really not surprising – after the Holidays we all vow to “cut back” on our indulgences, the weather turns bitter cold, and well, soup is perfect to comfort our egos and warm our souls. But it can get boring… I mean, our house smells wonderful for a while, we fill our bellies - but even the best of them don’t “excite” us! That’s where Todd English has stepped in. How do the rich, warm winds of Morocco sound? I can’t give you the trip, but I CAN deliver the flavor in Todd’s Roasted Moroccan eggplant soup. Turmeric, onion, garlic, cumin… ah, but it gets better! Add a toasted salad of shrimp, chickpeas, tomatoes, olives… and a spice blend that will have you sighing “Play it again, Sam”. Actually, in the movie Rick only said “Play it, Sam”, but the legend applies to the meal you are GOING to create – right? Low in calories, high in nutrition – you almost forgot about that part, didn’t you wink Well, Todd didn’t – in fact, there’s a bonus recipe in the link for “Dark Chocolate S’mores”… yes, even that is a lower calorie version that you can choose to indulge in. Not boring at all!

Posted by Linda :
Monday 16 January 2012 - 18:39:30
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