I was visiting another site where a woman was asking how to increase spices in her cooking, because her SO (significant other) always dumped hot sauce on anything she made. Wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!!While there is nothing incorrect with her wanting to learn more about spices, there is something VERY displeasing with someone adjusting the flavors of your creation BEFORE even tasting!!!

If you haven’t guessed, this is a very big pet peeve of mine. Anyone who has taken the time and effort to prepare a dish deserves to have a fair tasting. NO extras – no salt, no pepper, no hot sauce… And good Lord, no! No ketchup!!!

TRY IT! Even in quality restaurants there may be times when you want to add a touch of salt or something else – but have some regard for the dish’s creator. If it matters at all that they presented you with a lovely effort, don’t show them such disrespect.

You might even like it better – the chef’s way.

Posted by Linda :
Friday 17 June 2011 - 18:27:09
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