If you’ve never lived in Upstate New York...
Or spent time with someone who hails from this corner of the world, you will not understand this post – unless, of course, you read my previous love letter to our remarkable Spiedie!This is our favorite culinary claim to fame. We even have a renowned Festival to celebrate its glory. In summary, it is uniquely marinated meat cubes, grilled and served on only the best Italian bread… That simply doesn’t do it justice! Really, you must read my fawning in the above link wink A picture isn't enough to convey its essence either. This one's from Lupo's...
If you HAVE had this delight and long for it again, there are links to commercial providers there as well. If shipping is prohibitive – I know many of you visit us from far away – there IS a solution... Make no mistake - I support our local commerce. This post is in no way a reflection on the quality or continuity of our blessed suppliers. But, JUST IN CASE you can’t get your hands on the REAL thing you could try this? I’ve had this recipe served to me - I cannot vouch for it’s authenticity, but I can say that it was mighty tasty! You simply MUST try a Spiedie, however you manage to accomplish that task. We love them so much we even use the grilled meat in salads and on pizzas – but the original is always the best.

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 22 June 2011 - 20:00:08
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