Make your own Helper!
A couple decades ago we all experimented with a product that was designed to make a meal out of a pound of hamburger meat. Some, especially those of you with kids, became somewhat dependant on them. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!! Look, we all want and need the quick meal that we know everyone will eat – but why not do some prepwork, avoid some preservatives, and save some money as well? Here are TEN of the popular versions that I’ve seen on the shelves. You can prepare ALL of them in an afternoon with staples that you probably have in your pantry. Pasta, rice, canned tomatoes, milk… you’ve got those, right? Shredded cheese freezes beautifully, and spices – well, most of those you SHOULD have anyways wink Store them in airtight containers and voila - simple dinners at your fingertips. I am NOT going to go out and buy one of those packages just to do a taste test – but I can pretty much assure you that whatever you put together yourself will taste just as good, if not vastly improved. Come on – don’t you deserve better?

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 15 February 2012 - 19:06:20
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