Now this is a silly one...
But it might have a practical use. I came across an article on how to re-grow your scallions. Now, scallions are super cheap – but they do wilt quickly. Having some extras around might not be bad. The catch is that you have to leave the white end intact (about 2 inches of it), and that’s where all the flavor is! But if you just want something fresh and green to finish off a dish, this could be fun. No special tools or lighting needed – you basically just plop them into a glass of water and set them on a sunny windowsill. That’s pretty much it. As there are no added nutrients, the already mild flavor fades away after a couple weeks… In the same family, I suspect this would work with leeks as well, and that might be a better choice – more flavor to begin with, more flavor remaining? Just a thought I should share…

Posted by Linda :
Saturday 03 March 2012 - 02:02:33
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