Bread Bakers Rise Their Dough for CHOW
A local elementary school recently taught two great lessons – how to make bread, and how to give back. How kewl! With a representative from King Arthur Flour on hand, students were taught the “basics”, with a couple brave kids demonstrating all the while. When they returned to their classrooms, they found the supplies for a couple loaves of bread, or a bunch of cinnamon rolls. Their assignment? Make some for themselves, some to share. I caught part of the demonstration on the news, and even I learned something! If you’re at all nervous about shaping your dough into an even layer, use the bottom of a lightly oiled bowl. Gently stretch it over the sides until it’s the right size. Great way to get the kids involved in “pizza night” as well. Sometimes the simplest things are the best.

Posted by Linda :
Saturday 21 April 2012 - 19:03:28
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