Make a Side for Supper
Want a fifteen-minute dish that is warm, cheesy (which to me translates to “comfort”), and reasonably well balanced? Try this one. Rachael Ray made this Warm Penne Salad to accompany a Panini, but to my mind (or should I say “tummy”?) this all by itself would make a great meal. I’m amazed Rach didn’t make her usual suggestion of using a whole grain pasta to “bump up the protein and fiber”, so I’ll say it now. It really tastes much the same, looks only a little different until it’s coated with sauce – by then, if they didn’t see the package, no one will know! If you’re still hesitant, experiment using half whole grain and half semolina… If you still want more protein, toss in some leftover chicken or turkey pieces (shredded to bite size), or maybe a little crisp cooked bacon, or even some cubes of hard boiled egg. YUM!

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 07 October 2009 - 18:26:03
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