Don’t bake when you’re tired
A while back I raved about a lime cheesecake, chocolate crusted cupcake that Papa made for his own birthday gathering; at that time, the recipe was not available online. I’ve found the link, but first I’ve got to tell you a story…Papa wanted to make these late one night, and knew he had all the ingredients on hand. One of the cream cheese packages had been dipped into, but it still smelled and looked good. He started his assembly and got distracted while the stand mixer was doing its job. When he returned he was horrified! There were green specks in the cream cheese – was the cream cheese bad after all?!? He was about to throw the whole mixture out and go to an all night store… when he realized that he had already grated the lime zest into the mixture wink I truly love and respect Papa. I wouldn’t have shared this if he hadn’t told the entire family and laughed even harder than the rest of us. Sometimes the most joyous laugh is the one we have at our own expense, and too many of us forget that. So take pleasure in your mistakes! Hey, I couldn’t just hand you a wonderful recipe like this without a little commentary, could I?!?! Papa has made these many times since, and they are wonderful; but there is STILL one fundamental problem with this recipe – there are never enough! ps. The recipe suggests garnishing – DON’T!! They are perfect as is.

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 12 May 2010 - 13:18:53
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