For the Fish-Phobic
I am one of you! I love eating it, but have rarely made it – it’s one of the few techniques to actually cause apprehension in me… A couple of you have expressed the same concern, and I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone winkThat being said, Cat Cora shared a tip that we all should listen to: when frying fish, make sure that your pan is hot before you add your oil, and literally smoking hot before you add your fillet! As she demonstrated on MasterChef, dip the end of your piece of fish in to test the oil – if you don’t hear a sizzle, then the oil is NOT hot enough. When your oil is ready, lay your seasoned fillet down for just a minute or two, not moving it around. Check, and if it releases easily and is golden brown (“the color of a corn flake”), flip – and immediately turn off your heat source. The fish will continue to cook with the residual heat in the pan – just be careful not to overcook, because it only needs about a minute more. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Posted by Linda :
Monday 30 August 2010 - 00:34:53
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