The REST of the story…
While the guys’ birthday dinner and party was a huge success, not EVERYTHING went smoothly. I am far from perfect, and thought you should know the whole truth.

Leading up to the actual event: the date was changed the afternoon before, the guest list was revised (twice), my work hours the week prior were longer than usual, it was unbearably humid, and I was tired and hormonal! But pre-planning and prep saved me on these. Good storage containers are also a plus! Did I mention that I dropped a Pyrex measuring cup along the way, and not only cut my hand cleaning up the mess, stepped on a couple shards of glass? Pyrex is tough, but when it breaks, IT BREAKS! I’m okay, thanks.

I actually felt very organized by the afternoon of the party (the extra day didn’t hurt). I even did a double-check of the fridge as I packed my cooler – or so I thought. While unpacking, I realized that I had forgotten both the Salsa Cruda and worse yet, the Roasted Salsa – that condiment I had actually used my BROILER for during a heat wave!?! Fortunately, the folks’ had a couple different jarred varieties, which with a little fresh lime and cilantro did the job very well. Just hope my neighbors like salsa, ‘cause I’ve got plenty to share!

Now, when someone tells you a knife is very sharp, you should always listen! I’ve worked with knives for years (uh, well, decades) and while I’m left handed and it looks awkward (even to me) I AM fairly proficient. You know what’s coming. As I made my second or third slice into the first mango… OUCH! It’s actually quite a nice incision into the tip of my thumb. Very clean, neat, probably won’t leave a scar… Yes, a very good knife!

While bandaged, the worst part was that most of what needed to be sliced was ACIDIC. Again, OUCH! Fortunately, I was quickly relieved of that duty by caring family (with a smaller, safer knife), and concentrated on the few items that needed to be reheated, plating others, and supervising. Actually, that last part was kind of fun…

Worst case, I could have run home after the ER wink (or to the grocer’s, which was closer) for salsa, or improvised something from their fridge. I would rather have NOT cut myself (again), but it never hurts to delegate. Yes, I had one minor panic attack, but hey, I’m human! Learning to roll with the punches is as much a part of cooking as learning how to make… oh YOU pick something!

See – you’re not alone!

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 16 July 2008 - 17:35:46
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