After the frying’s over…
We all know that after frying anything – let’s say bacon (my favorite example), that we are supposed to let them rest on paper towels or brown paper, like the stuff our grocery bags are made out of. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get puddles of oil on the paper, and the bottom of the item gets a little soggy. One remedy is to place the item on a cooling rack over the paper, but that’s just one more item to clean. This one’s pure genius! Crinkle your paper! Seriously, crumple it up into a little ball, and then gently lay it flat, leaving all those nooks and crannies you just created. Those “ridges” will act in almost the same way as a cooling rack – leaving your beauty slightly elevated without the soggy mess on the bottom! Carla Hall demonstrated this on “The Chew” when she was reviving overcooked green beans into Fried Green Beans. Bet it would be a great way to recreate leftover beans as well – and turn them into a treat! Pretty smart all around.

Posted by Linda :
Thursday 06 October 2011 - 20:41:27
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