Banana Pudding, anyone?
I just saw the kewlest couple of “tricks” on Cook’s Country. If you’re using a vanilla pudding as your base (ideally, homemade), add more banana flavor by roasting three bananas (in their peels) until black and softened. It intensifies the flavor, and obviously makes them easier to blend into your creamy delight. Best yet, you can – should - use “barely ripe” bananas. Now this one seems a little finicky, but it makes sense. As you layer your wafers, place them flat side up. Place a slice of banana on each, and then top with another wafer flat side down - Banana sandwiches wink As your pudding rests, the cookies will absorb any liquid released by the banana - NO runny pudding! Hope you enjoy!

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 23 November 2011 - 20:17:56
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