A NEAT tip for delicate icing!
This tip falls under the category “why didn’t I think of that?” I’ve never done much decorating using pastry bags, 1) because of the nasty cleanup and 2) I’m not very good at it (I blame being left-handed wink ). Well, at least now I can solve problem number one. When you’re using more than one color, or simply want the neatest possible way, you’ve got to watch this video from Dollar Store Crafts. After you’ve made and colored your frosting, you simply wrap it up in plastic, twist the ends into a “string”, and insert into your pastry bag! Easy to use, remove, and nothing to clean other than the tip – NO WASTE. The demo is concise and to the point – watching it is easier than my explanation… A great way to test it out is by making Santa Hat Brownies. These look awfully cute, but should really be assembled not too many days before you are serving – the red part of the hat is a fresh strawberry! Now, who wouldn’t enjoy those?

Posted by Linda :
Tuesday 06 December 2011 - 14:10:42
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