I’m not really one for gadgets…
But if the infomercials didn’t convince me to consider the purchase, one article I recently read has swayed me. Did you know.... that according to this Skinny Secret, bite-size sliced lettuce greens can be stored for over a week?!?! That is, if you use a vacuum-pack machine. Imagine – a week’s worth of almost ready to eat lunches all prepped and ready to grab as you run out the door… Sadly, this technique has not done well with the more tender greens – baby spinach and such – but the experimentation goes on. There is also a link for other vegetables and their “shelf-life” using this technique. If you’ve got one in the back of your closet, this is a good reason to pull it out. If you buy a lot of romaine or other crisp greens, like I do, this might be the reason to do some serious shopping. Check out all the other potential uses, of course, and decide if it’s right for you. I’m just sayin’, this is a pretty good argument wink

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 04 January 2012 - 22:00:16
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