My New Breakfast Treat
I’ve told you before – I’m really bad about eating breakfast, let alone a healthy one. As I’ve really enjoyed two of my latest discoveries, I’m combining them for a quick, easy, and surprisingly “good for you” start to the day wink You remember Cranberry Salsa? Cranberries, Ginger, and even Jalapenos all provide certain positive benefits. There’s also a little bit of other veggies and lemon juice, though I don’t think they’d count as “a serving”… After I made the salsa, I pulsed it together with cream cheese (you might recall that it is usually served OVER a block of cream cheese) – welcome calcium and protein!
Spoon onto your freshly toasted whole wheat English Muffin… you’ve added fiber, a few carbs, and enough “crunch” to satisfy you. And it’s so tasty, too! Really.

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 11 January 2012 - 22:54:12
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