Fun with Filo!
I had a great afternoon – I was trying out a recipe I’m using for the Greek themed Birthday dinner that I’m catering for my Mother and Sis-in law, Anita … in October, so you’ll have to wait for all the details!

One of my college housemates was Greek, and her Mother used to send the most AMAZING “care packages”. Years late, but: Thanks Denise and especially to you, Mrs. Savas!

Anyway, I’ve HAD lots of dishes using Filo (oftentimes spelled Phyllo), but I admit that I’d never MADE one. It is tissue paper thin dough that is usually brushed with oil or butter and several pieces are used to make each “traditional” layer. It takes some getting used to, and careful attention during the process, but the results are well worth it! I can’t imagine the effort required making it, but fortunately we can find it in the freezer section…

The recipe I was testing said to slice the dough lengthwise – PLEASE, use a VERY sharp knife! This stuff is very delicate, and as I learned, can tear with no provocation… but rest assured, it will “heal” itself once fully assembled.

Dancing to the “oldies”, while painting dough with melted butter, and then filling it with something scrumptious – how much better can it get?

Hope YOU too, had a great day.

Posted by Linda :
Friday 12 September 2008 - 19:05:35
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