The legend of the “Thing” Sandwich
Once upon a time… (well, a lot of years ago) my Dad went to Boy Scout Camp. He told me this story after we had spent a lot of time during "Family Camp" at Lake Arrowhead, one of his old stomping grounds...

At lunch, there might be other items, but according to him, there ALWAYS was a platter of bread, another of bologna & cheese, and bowls of peanut butter & jelly.

Boys being boys, one day someone dared another to make and eat a sandwich using all four ingredients. It turned out to be pretty good, and my father made it often through the years, even as an adult; Dad nicknamed it “the Thing”.

It sounded pretty “gross” to us, but gradually he convinced us to try it – and I, for one, liked it!

I’m reminded of this story because the other night after a very light and early dinner, I found myself still hungry and craving something “just slightly” sweet. I didn’t have any bologna in the house (and wasn’t brave enough to consider swapping in salami wink) but I DID add a slice of American cheese to the PB&J I had made.

Honestly, the flavor is hardly changed at all, yet it adds a little more protein and some calcium! How can that be bad? Ok, a little cholesterol and a few more calories, but... a much better choice than the piece of cake I could have sliced!

Try "the Thing" with your kids (or for yourself) sometime! Adding a dash of cinnamon (which is awesome with jelly and is really good for you) is a great touch. A whole wheat or multigrain bread is also a smart choice.

And be grateful, as I am, that they didn’t decide to add mustard to “the Thing” as well!!

Posted by Linda :
Thursday 25 September 2008 - 13:25:24
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