Yeah, it was one of those days...
I quit smoking a couple months ago – I'm really proud, and glad I did – but darn it all, I WANTED ONE!!! There are only two things I've found that help fight the urge when it gets that bad, and he wasn't available wink SOOOO, I made chocolate! Even that cupboard had gotten bare with my newly heightened obsession for that delectable substance – cocoa powder was all that remained? A little googling, and brownies seemed to be the right idea! This recipe seemed to match my readily available ingredients, as well as my time frame (done and cooled enough to cut in an hour, tops!).
Always, ALWAYS read the comments before you try a recipe – for example, many mentioned that these came out a little 'thin' and dry when baked in a 9”x9” pan, so I used an 8”x8”. The baking time, depending on your oven, could also be shortened to 18-22 minutes as well. And of COURSE – using melted butter instead of oil gave a more flavorful result... Since my craving was getting worse by the moment, I decided to take it a step further – I added instant espresso powder, making them 'mocha brownies'! I used a heaping teaspoon – if I were using regular instant coffee (which I keep on hand strictly for baking), I would have used a heaping Tablespoon... Now a touch calmer with the aroma of deliciousness filling the air, I opted for a final flourish – I spread homemade nutella over the whole thing!!!
AHH – satisfaction, thy name is Chocolate! Well, at least you're a close second to my favorite option...

Posted by Linda :
Wednesday 22 August 2012 - 14:19:42
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