Okay, so...
I liked this combination of ingredients – but the instructions were lacking, just a touch, and perhaps not the best. I started the dough, which was pretty straight forward. I started to saute my Italian sausage, added the garlic... Then I used my food processor to grate my cheeses – and then I realized some seasonings were asked for, but it never said when to add them? So I tossed them into the cheese blend... Oh, for Pete's sake, I'm making Italian Sausage Bread. THREE cheeses : Moz, Provo, and Parm – and I used SPICY Italian sausage, with about 10 oz of chopped spinach – whenever I use spinach, I ALWAYS add some nutmeg... The recipe says to do it in two layers, but I mixed the cheese with the cooled meat, etc..,
The dough takes a long while to rise - seriously, I have done a TON of bread in my time, and this one takes WAY too long. My suggestion would be NOT to add the salt until ALL the other ingredients have been fully combined. YET - I still didn't have enough dough for two rolls (as the recipe suggests). I used the entire batch of dough after FIVE hours, and only used half the filling. That's NOT a bad thing. So, silly me, I made one loaf that seemed right to me, and then froze the other half of the filling? Two, maybe three hours later (after the second rise), I took it out of the oven...
The cheese flavor is delightful, the hot sausage provides just enough spice for an enjoyable contrast, and the spinach... well, it just adds a touch more nutrition, because you really don't taste it wink A filling snack on its own, and even better dipped in some warm marinara sauce... The bread itself was worth the wait – nicely flavored and textured, and still lets the “stuffing” shine through. Think I'll change it up for the remaining stuffing, though - maybe some of those "pockets" I always keep on hand? Or maybe a twist on a quiche? I'll let you know.

Posted by Linda :
Friday 14 June 2013 - 23:26:27
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